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Creating with the Classics | Online Fabric Store + Premier Prints

If you're stopping by from the fabulous White Buffalo Styling Co., welcome!! So glad that you're here!

When Online Fabric Store approached us with the challenge to create something inspired by a classic book and the Premier Prints collection, we were instantly game. After all, I love a challenge!

We were randomly assigned a classic book .. I was gifted the theme of Huckleberry Finn .. My first thought was I don't have a boy or outdoorsy / cabin style so I was stumped initially. What I am going to do!? But, looking further, the main theme is the conflict between civilization and nature. Contrast? Now that's right up my alley! 

Using Premier Prints Zippy Cloud Denton, the fabric refers to the straight guidelines of society while the pom pom trim is more free form. The Black and White Vertical Stripe also shows the contrast between nature and civilization and the path between the two.  

I made a few envelope pillow shams. You won't believe how easy it is!

Envelope Pillow Sham Material and Cut list (for 18"x18" pillow):

36"x18" for two pillow fronts (cut in half and then cut half again at a 45, 4 pieces)
10" x 18" (back piece)
14"x18" (back piece)
2.5 yards of cording per pillow

Sewing machine
Fabric scissors

* For a fuller pillow, cut the the to the size of the pillow form and sew half inch seams, so the finished pillow size will be 1" smaller than the pillow form. 

Here's how I made the mitered stripe pillow, inspired by this gorgeous pillow by the talented Kassapanola.

1. First, cut a 36"x18" piece of fabric.

2. Then cut it in half (2 - 18"x18"pieces). Tip: fold in half, iron a crease, then follow that as a guideline - it's easy to cut a straight line!

4. Then create the pillow fronts. Cut each half at a 45. Reconfigure using the pieces as shown.

5. Put the faces together (right side in), line up the stripes and pin. Sew the pinned edge.

6. Apply cording the the edge. I opted to purchase pre-made cording, but it's easy to make your own if you'd like! On the face of the pillow front, hold the cording to the edge (finished side of cording towards the center), sew along the existing stitching.

For the corners, bend the cording (cutting a small slit on the edge helps it bend) 

7. Cut the back panels, 10"x18" and 14"x18" - On the 18" length of each piece finish the seams on one side of each piece. Fold the end 1/2" and fold over on itself (1" total) and sew. 

8. Place the front face (right side up) and layer the back pieces on top (right side together), pin and sew following the existing sewn line. 

9. Trim the corners with scissors and turn the sham right side out pushing out the corners. 

and that's it!

I reconfigured my vertical stenciled panels (tutorial on Houzz) as a horizontal feature wall.

Here's a peek into my office - it's coming together!

Love the pom pom and thin pink trim! It's super easy and gives a polished look!

A special thanks to Online Fabric Store for providing us with this fun challenge! Want to see more amazing prints from Premier Prints? Click here to see the full line!

Make sure to stop by Jennifer Rizzo, you won't want to miss her amazing project!!


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