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Hi! Sorry to be away for a few days! We were busy moving. Plus, we're currently without wifi at our house in Maryland .. not good for bloggers!! The internet on our phone is also VERY slow at our MD house. So we're hoping to get wifi in the next few days.

For today, two things.

1. We just finished up our paint project for tomorrow's #cwts2014 post! Here's a sneak peek (the rest has to do with this) .. remember that $3 painting from my thrift store tips and tricks post? It's looking MUCH better! I just spray painted the frame and mat board white (leaving the corners as is) and painted a few dots on a canvas. I've been pinning lots of dotted things recently, so I had to give it a try!

Ranunculus is one of my favorite flowers - so happy to see it in store. btw .. it was snowing yesterday and I'm in shorts and flip flops today, hopefully the warmer weather is here to stay!

2. If you didn't see my post at Infarrantly Creative last week, make sure to stop by!

We made this tiered light out of aluminum flashing and a few other materials. Tutorial here! I'm obsessed :)


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