I adore her recent hallway transformation! Painting the ceiling coral really makes the space!! Her kitchen redo is also fabulous, make sure to pop over and take a look! or maybe her aqua bookshelves - I can't decide, They are all SO good! :)
Take it away Shavonda!
Hi Everyone! I'm Shavonda and I blog over at A Home Full Of Color. Thank you all so much for letting me hang out with you for a bit today and thank you Sarah for having me. I'm sure I don't have to tell you guys how awesome Sarah is. I just love her work. She's definitely one of my blog idols and its an honor to be here. For those of you who aren't familiar with me I have an affinity for colorful, eclectic interiors, glossy furniture, old houses, giraffes, and the Dallas Cowboys! I also a little obsessed with rearranging furniture. Here are a few other tidbits about me....
Egg Nog! I know a lot of folks associate it with Christmas, but the minute my grocery store gets it in stock I'm all over it.
I like using candles, fresh flowers or a plant, and art to freshen up a room. Art is such an easy and commitment free way to decorate a room. Candles add warmth and flowers and plants give a room life. More info here.
Without a doubt my biggest fail has been our first attempt at adding a chalkboard wall to our kitchen. I learned that MDF boards + liquid nails + indecision = holes in walls. I also learned how much rebuilding a wall sucks. Drywall is definitely something I will pretty much always leave to the professionals.

And though I HATE painting cabinets, I love what a couple coats of paint did for your hallway and kitchen. More info here.
I absolutely love Emily Henderson. I adore her use of old and new in spaces. She's really great with mixing color and pattern. I also love how you can pretty much always find something a bit unexpected in her spaces.
I too love eggnog!! YUM!!
Thanks so much for sharing today Shavonda!!
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