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Laundry Room Plans

A late post today since I was in desperate need of doing laundry this morning.. almost all out of the necessities.

We paid to move our washer and dryer to CA when we moved there (probably cost around $200) .. our rental had a closet with a stacked washer/dryer, so they sat in the garage. We decided to sell them before we moved to Ohio instead of paying to ship them again (would have been another $200 down the drain, and what if they didn't work after moving them twice?) .. So now we're without a washer / dryer (luckily this place has a gas hookup instead of electric, so the dryer wouldn't have worked anyways). It didn't make sense to buy a gas dryer while were here since it's only a few months. So, we're waiting to buy a washer / electric dryer for our new place ..

Back to this morning. I tried to get to the laundromat early (before all the crazies got there) .. but got delayed gathering, sorting, and loading all the laundry into the car. Guess I got there too late, a women came up to me and said that she put one of her towels in my dryer with the rest of my clothes .. I was umm .. a little annoyed, confused.. Needless to say, this got me planning the laundry room for our new house in Maryland :)

Here it is when we moved in:

It's in the basement - no windows, old stained VCT, and bad fluorescent lighting. The other side of the basement has a walkout with french doors - so the goal is to bring some of the natural light into the laundry room.

Here's what I came up with today (drawn in Sketch Up). First, swap the existing door with a large barn door to help brighten things up.

*The plan below is drawn wider than the room - I was using the original blue prints which are incorrect. The laundry room and bathroom currently don't line up with the existing bedroom / spare room, so we may move the wall, but if not, the plans will be adjusted. Existing floorplan will be redrawn when I'm in MD to measure :)

On the left, we're thinking about swapping the existing utility sink with built in cabinetry, then built in shelving for storage around a stacked washer and dryer, to the right, floor to ceiling cabinets and then a counter and a rod above for hanging.

and a few more shots ..

This is just my first pass, so I'm sure that I'll make lots of changes .. but so far I'm loving it! Definitely a vast improvement over my current laundry situation!

Only a few more weeks of public laundry in Ohio, then hopefully we'll be in our Maryland home full time, so we can start the laundry room! You can follow my laundry room inspiration on Pinterest, if you'd like.

So, does public laundry creep you out too? After today, I'm definitely not a fan. For now, I'll be dreaming about our new laundry room!


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